Thank you for reading Culture and curiosity!
My name is Jasper Visser. I’m the program manager for sustainability at BAM Infra, one of The Netherlands’ leading civil engineering contractors. I dedicate my life to working on a more sustainable future. Also, I am an avid reader of mostly non-fiction books (history, biography, current affairs), an amateur student of world cultures, and I enjoy cooking. When possible, I try to keep fit by long-distance running and yoga. I am a proud father of two young kids.
Culture and curiosity is a regular irregular newsletter about the things that pique my interest. Expect to read about sustainable development, community leadership, and storytelling. Also, you can expect notes on gardening, non-fiction books, and whatever else comes to mind.
If you want to get in touch, easily reply to any of my emails or go to my LinkedIn page. Thanks for reading!